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Parents and Friends Association

The Parents and Friends’ committee is open to all members of the school community. The aim of the P&F is to promote the interests of the College by bringing parents, associates, students and teaching staff into close co-operation; and to assist in providing additional facilities and equipment for the College to further enhance their quality of learning.


The P&F have organised a number of events to take place throughout the year to fundraise for the school. These events have been incorporated in the school calendar which can be found on the school website. The P&F will also communicate with families about these events via the school email.

The involvement of families in the P&F is pivotal to creating a supportive school community for the benefit of the school and our children. We look forward to working together to continually enhance our school.


2024 P & F Committee Members:


  • President: Barbara Luka
  • Vice President: Nancy Mikhail
  • Secretary: Ninette Basily
  • Treasurer: Nagla Youssif


P&F Email: pandf@stmarks.nsw.edu.au


In order to view the P&F Meeting Minutes CLICK HERE